Hi Shenzhen!
你好 深圳!
世界马瑟兰日 World Marselan Day
深圳特 别活动 Shenzhen Edition
2 PM-4 PM | 12 MAY 2023
深圳 SHENZHEN | 12 MAY 2023
See below for 请参阅下文:
Background 背景信息 | Wineries 酒庄名单 | Tasting notes 品酒笔记 | Buy Marselan 买酒
世界马瑟兰日 World Marselan Day
世界马瑟兰日是为了纪念保罗·特鲁尔 (Paul Truel) 于1961年培育的马瑟兰葡萄. 马瑟兰是由赤霞珠与歌海娜品种杂交得到的,现在有20多个国家用它来酿造葡萄酒. 马瑟兰正在成为中国的标志性葡萄品种,就像阿根廷的马尔贝克、南非的比诺塔吉和新西兰的长相思。世界马瑟兰日选在4月27日,1924年的这一天特鲁尔出生. 这项年度盛事由 葡萄围城 发起。
World Marselan Day celebrates a grape created in 1961 by Paul Truel. A cross of Cabernet Sauvignon and Grenache, Marselan is now used in dozens of nations. And is emerging as the signature grape of China, much like Malbec in Argentina, Pinotage in South Africa and Sauvignon Blanc in New Zealand. World Marselan Day is April 27, the same as Truel’s birth date in 1924. This annual event was created by the website Grape Wall of China.
龙亭酒庄 Longting
蓬莱 Penglai
马瑟兰 2021 Marselan
波龙堡酒庄 Bolongbao
房山区 Fangshan District
马瑟兰 2019 Marselan Limited Release
中法庄园 Domaine Franco-Chinois
怀来 Huailai
珍藏 马瑟兰 2017 Marselan Reserve
马丁酒庄 Martin
怀来 Huailai
‘308’ 马瑟兰 2017 Marselan ‘308’
2018年份. 罐发酵时间14天. 橡木桶陈酿12个月. 浓郁甜美型. 深宝石红色, 紫色调. 具有红色和黑色水果的浓郁香气,香料、奶油、烘烤香。口感极顺滑,具有浓郁集中的黑色浆果味,回味悠长. 酒精度: 14.45 %. 糖度: 4.06克/升. 酸度: 5.7 克/升. 2018 vintage. Fermented in tank 14 days. Aged in oak 12 months. Rich and sweet. Deep ruby red with purple hues. Rich aroma of red and black fruits, spices and toast. Extremely smooth palate with rich concentrated black berry flavor and a long aftertaste. Alcohol: 14.45%. Brix: 4.06 grams per liter. Acidity: 5.7 grams per liter.
怀来紫晶庄园 Amethyard
怀来 Huailai
马瑟兰 2017 Marselan
怡园酒庄 Grace Vineyard
德熙珍藏 马瑟兰 2018 Marselan ‘Tasya’s Reserve’
朗漫酒庄 Neleman | Spain
宁夏 Ningxia
贺兰山 Helan Shan
夏木酒庄 Charme
贺兰山 Helan Shan | 金山 Jin Shan
马瑟兰 2019 Marselan 宁夏
一山一水 Mountain Wave
贺兰山 Helan Shan | 金山 Jin Shan
马瑟兰 2019 Marselan
旭域金山酒庄 Soleil du Mont
贺兰山 Helan Shan | 金山 Jin Shan
‘黄河红’ 马瑟兰 庄主珍藏 2021 ‘Yellow River Red’ Marselan ‘Owner’s Selection’
‘黄河红” 马瑟兰庄主特选 2012 ‘Yellow River Red’ Marselan ‘Owner’s Selection’
‘野客’ 马瑟兰自然酒 2022 Marselan ‘Wild Guest Natural’
原歌酒庄 Yuan Ge
贺兰山 Helan Shan
岩 马瑟兰 2020 ‘Rock’ Marselan
Bright ruby red with a fresh nose of rich red berries, like raspberry, and vanilla. A distinctive violet bouquet. Soft tannins, elegant acidity and a long finish. 酒体呈亮丽宝石红色,香气清新。具有丰富的红色浆果伴有香草、树莓清香,并有独特的紫罗兰花香。单宁细腻柔和,口感柔顺平衡,酸度优雅,回味悠长。
伊夏 Yi Xia
贺兰山 Helan Shan
马瑟兰 2019 Marselan
银川 Yinchuan
蒲尚酒庄 Pu Shang
Yinchuan 银川
马瑟兰 2020 Marselan (90% 马瑟兰)
Deep ruby red with purple hues. Rich expressive fruity aromas with 12 months of oak aging providing notes of vanilla, chocolate and coffee. Creamy and delicate tannins with a rich dark chocolate flavor and a long aftertaste. 深宝石红色,带有紫色调,浓郁的果香味极富表现力,香气丰富、优雅,陈酿中橡木桶很好的赋予了酒体香草,巧克力和咖啡的香气。入口丝滑单宁细腻,拥有浓郁的黑巧克力味
September 九月兰山酒庄
Yinchuan 银川
蓝赛酒庄 Lansai
银川 Yinchuan
马瑟兰 2019 Marselan
Elegant cool flavors of violet and blueberry, mixed with hints of vanilla and toffee, give an elegant first impression of delicate and firm tannins. The beautiful acidity supports a soft body. A delicate wine you can’t help drinking again and again. 紫罗兰色和蓝莓的优雅凉爽的味道,混合着香草和太妃糖的味道,给人一种精致而坚定的单宁的优雅第一印象。美丽的酸度支持柔软的身体。一款精致的葡萄酒,你忍不住一次又一次地喝.
留世酒庄 Legacy Peak
银川 Yinchuan
马瑟兰 2020 Marselan
A deep amethyst color, with an initial fragrance of violet and rose followed by sweet aromas of blueberry and mulberry. Layered and enchanting. The entrance is silky, the tannins firm but not bitter, and the finish evokes a sea of purple flowers and fruits. 明亮的紫宝石颜色代表着贺兰山充足的阳光,开瓶后扑鼻而来的就是紫罗兰和玫瑰的花香,而后是甜美的蓝莓和桑葚的香气,层层叠叠甚至有点妖娆。入口柔顺丝滑,单宁紧致但不苦涩,回味就是一片紫色的花与水果的海洋。R
美贺庄园 Mihope
银川 Yinchuan
马瑟兰 2019 Marselan
宝实酒庄 Baoshi
银川 Yinchuan
‘Zhi Zhi’ Marselan 知之马瑟兰 2019(90%)| Yinchuan 银川
谜之庄园 Myst
银川 Yinchuan
Moka Plus 马瑟兰 2019 Marselan ‘Moka Plus’
超魔由100%马瑟兰酿造,在全新法国橡木中陈年13个月,酒精度高达16度。它的颜色像夜空一样深邃,浓郁的紫罗兰花香,黑莓香气与橡木气息相互交织。酒体雄浑有力,单宁细腻而强劲,有相当的陈年潜力。100 percent Marselan aged in new French oak for 13 months. The color is deep as the night sky, with intense violet and blackberry aromas, a powerful body and fine tannins.
青铜峡 Qingtongxia
Desert 大漠酒庄
青铜峡 Qingtongxia
珍藏级 马瑟兰 2018 Marselan Reserve
华昊酒庄 Huahao
青铜峡 Qingtongxia | 甘城子 Ganchengzi
家族珍藏 马瑟兰 2019 Marselan ‘Family Collection’
紫罗兰, 香草奶油, 黑李子和淡淡的野肉气息彰显着品种特色, 丹宁柔滑细腻饱满, 划过舌尖味蕾, 犹如桑蚕丝包裹着铁拳, 丝丝入扣. Scents of violet, vanilla cream and black plum shows varietal characteristics. The tannins are soft and smooth, delicate and full, cutting across the taste buds like mulberry silk wrapped in an iron glove.
兰树酒庄 Lanshu
青铜峡 Qingtongxia
‘閱己’ 马瑟兰 2019 Marselan ’Yue Ji‘
小圃酿造 Xiao Pu
青铜峡 Qingtongxia
伊卡洛斯 马瑟兰 2021 Marselan Ikapos
永宁 Yongning
CoPower Jade 长和翡翠酒庄
永宁 Yongning
马瑟兰 Reserve 2019 Marselan Reserve